1.  Denise I. Robison, deputy secretary for the state Department of Aging, lives in a house at one end of the row.

2.  Dennis Hastert, the House speaker, has given no indication that he intends to bring the bill before the full House for a vote soon.

3.  Defiant Christianity clearly sells well in the Alabama political establishment, and Alabama's intransigence may be persuasive in the House.

4.  Deficit reduction bills enjoy a privileged status in both houses of Congress.

5.  Defonseca sits at the kitchen table of the house she shares with her husband, Maurice.

6.  Cuero's Robert Strait, as big as a house and almost as mobile, was the most heralded recruit in school history in 1989.

7.  Cueva got the girls back after telling police about the west Phoenix drop house where they were being held.

8.  Cugudda assists her with changing clothes and moving about the house since arthritis has limited her mobility.

9.  DeJaham bought the West Palm Beach house for $60,000 in 1986.

10.  Del Webb, bought by Pulte, built the Anthem houses, and the case could turn into a class-action suit.

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