1.  When I told his this result, he opened his mouth, last fifteen seconds.

2.  But, besides his, I had to do the chemical exercises which had eleven pages, had to do the English exercises which has twelve pages, had to go over the English lessons, had to go over the political lessons for he coming examination on next Tuesday.

3.  The man was a agent five years ago, he give the news to the police, and then the police had save many people , but at last the army knew his status , and they wanted to kill him.

4.  The girl and the boy are in their twenties's , hen they were children, their parents left them in the forest, and then the wolf saved the boy, and pretend his of her son, then the boy had learn the wolf's language and eat the little animal, Before long the boy became a "wolf "', when he was in his ten's , the people found him, then they bring him into a house , taught him do the thing what the people can do.

5.  And last year he was died from car, then people knew his name was "Jin Sui"

6.  Wu Dong was on his way home one afternoon.

7.  After while, a fracture of bridge got in his way of .

8.  Lei Feng loved his country and people very much.

9.  A man cried his wares at his newspaper a loud voice at the public square: "A astonishing of defraud ncident .

10.  The brave man "I rushed into my boss's office as a tiger, and patted energetically at his table, desired him to increase the wages for me!!"

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