1.  As a professional scholar, Simon says he has to have an opinion somewhere between Scaturro's and Craig's.

2.  DeRogatis also had opinions that could cause a stir.

3.  Daddy and I had opinions and we stated them emphatically in our frequent discussions.

4.  Despite his relative inexperience among his peers, Donovan has sure opinions on all things about basketball.

5.  Different churches will have different opinions about the role of women in leadership.

6.  Do practitioners of Falun Gong have differing opinions?

7.  Does he have an opinion, he was asked late last year, on Russia's prime minister, Vladimir Putin?

8.  Does a French-Canadian sports hero have an opinion?

9.  Don't we want to talk to people who know something, who have opinions?

10.  Do you become so shut down that you say nothing, that you have no opinions?"

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