1.  As chairman of the utility commission, Yzaguirre had considerable influence over policies involving electricity deregulation.

2.  Diet, exercise and other habits appear to have no influence on Lp(a) levels in blood.

3.  Did making all these movies where you're married to potential murderers have any influence on that?

4.  Did that have any influence on HBO's supposedly objective commentators' support of Lewis throughout the debatable draw?

5.  Did they have much influence on you as a child?

6.  Does he think he has any chance of having an influence on Bayreuth, or of someday becoming the director of the festival?

7.  Donahue also has influence because he's skillful.

8.  DeLay, as the third-ranking House Republican, has considerable influence over legislation, and Shuster can allow or forbid highway projects in any member's district.

9.  Do you expect the conservative Christian community to have greater influence now that George W. Bush has been elected president?

10.  Does the exile community have any influence in China itself?

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