1.  A Decision obviously had to be made as to which of these missions should be given precedence.

2.  She has difficulty with prostitution as something to be understood because she has no direct experience with it-it is beyond her comprehension.

3.  That was one thing Jezrael had that she had never attained.

4.  The Lancet medical journal reports that children who were underweight before the operation had a growth spurt afterwards.

5.  The fact Liberia has no oil seems to explain foreign disinterest in its internal affairs.

6.  The first inkling Grimma had that something was going wrong was a nasty little crunching sound and a change in the light.

7.  What we have that these wretched creatures around us do not, is freedom.

8.  Propagandists could always argue that the fact that so many misfortunes had befallen England since the Revolution confirmed how wrong it had been to dethrone the rightful sovereign.

9.  What evidence do we have that the alien means us no harm?

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