1.  In 533~ 544 AD, he wrote a book which included advice on improving the condition of sool , growing gree vegetables and furit trees, keeping cows and sheep, and keeping fish in lakes.

2.  Second, make a plan for growing plants.

3.  All the Best, Crystal Instructions for growing tomatoes: First of all, put some soil in a box, and sow the seed carefully.

4.  03% of total of water on the earth, while the growing population and the developing industry and agricalture need much more water, especially fresh water--- It is a chief cause of shortage of fresh water.

5.  The growing standard of living kept the hungry and cold from people and then increased the life expectancy.

6.  With the growing medical standard, the infant mortaility was Decreased.

7.  on the other hand, the growing population forces us to face with water shortage.

8.  Computers have brought about many changes in our world with the developement of science and technology, the use of computers is growing year by year in various fields of man's activities.

9.  The farmer broken the crop's growing rule.

10.  It might wander about a little in its growing years, but it will be an effective and efficient tool to the advantage of human society.

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