31.  A company swimming pool is a far better investment than an extravagant advertising campaign.

32.  A confused treatment of a good idea, written and directed by Mark Peploe.

33.  A continental breakfast, with cheeses and meats, is served and dinner is four courses and consists of good home cooking.

34.  A continuing programme to investigate, evaluate, and disseminate best practice information on teaching large classes has also been developed.

35.  A couple of very good oriental rugs were pools of subdued colour on the polished wood floor.

36.  A cup holder in the dashboard, to the left of the steering wheel, to better serve southpaw cappuccino drinkers.

37.  A dense pile wears better than a loosely-woven one, which can be parted to reveal the backing.

38.  A detailed prospectus is one of the signs of a good school.

39.  A detour to disaster can come disguised as a good business investment.

40.  A doubling of the set-aside rate is not good news, coming at a time when every penny counts.

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