1.  Arthur Rolnick, research director at the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, supports the measure, and even goes a step further.

2.  Did Clinton go a step further than the others?

3.  Doctors declare the child's extremely stressful situation has gone a step further: It's become a trauma.

4.  Dr. Klass of Cornell went a step further.

5.  Downstream petrochemical industries go a step further in the production chain, using methanol to produce wiper fluid for automobiles, for example.

6.  Edward I. Koch goes a step further.

7.  Eddie Jones would go one step further.

8.  Duncan, however, has gone a step further than Haley.

9.  Elizabeth Nelson, with support from the community, went a step further.

10.  Emanuel said he appreciated the comments but asked Kaszak to go a step further and tell Moskal to "cease and desist."

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