81.  A loud burst of singing gave away the presence of the ubiquitous wren.

82.  A maid, her white cap and Apron immaculate, opened the door and gave a little bob as Dinah passed inside.

83.  A man armed with a pocketknife ordered a male pedestrian to give him cash.

84.  A man who would give his fourteen-year-old son a motorcycle has obviously taken leave of his senses.

85.  A man with a gun ordered the woman to give him all her money.

86.  A manager must give his team clear objectives to work towards.

87.  A Marabou stork was poking about nearby in a pile of rubbish, and I gave it a wide berth.

88.  A mathematical proof about some property of a triangle does not, Gassendi thinks, give demonstrative understanding of its cause.

89.  A minor episode gives a glimpse of the ethics involved.

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