1.  Travis gave a wry smile.

2.  - a final check Are you giving your pupils varied experiences, teaching strategies and activities?

3.  A Antibiotics in your system can affect a permanent wave, giving poor or no results at all.

4.  A bad interviewer can give a potentially excellent employee such a negative impression that he or she loses interest in the job.

5.  A balanced diet will give nutritional requirements in all the right proportions.

6.  A balanced read-aloud diet gives our children an appreciation for the sounds and shapes and purposes of many different kinds of texts.

7.  A behaviour pattern controlled by hundreds of genes does not give such clear categories as those found by Rothenbuhler.

8.  A benefits package is a very Marketable advantage, one that Trope hopes will give them the edge over other independent labels.

9.  A bigger fact in history than so-called historians give credit for.

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