1. Is the future one of being paid park keepers or producers of primary produce?
2. Austin golf fans, who two years ago lost their opportunity to watch former Masters champions, might get an early look at future ones.
3. Burdensome contracts and a bare minor-league system presented little roster flexibility and challenged Evans to be creative in building a competitive team for this season without damaging future ones.
4. But for Udall, there is no contradiction between support for earlier immigrant waves and alarm over future ones.
5. But the new guidelines do not pertain to existing contracts, and may not affect future ones either.
6. Cartilage cells for the Boston transplants and most future ones in Sweden will come from Genzyme, a Cambridge health care products firm.
7. CERT collects information on security break-ins and offers advice on how to prevent future ones.
8. For nowadays the main point of foreign policy ought not to be the elimination of immediate external threats, but the avoidance of future ones.