61.  Anyone can now go to forums.compuserve.com, get a free screen name, and sign on.

62.  Anyone in his right mind could tell that Anthony was leaving the hospital a free man.

63.  As a group we are prepared to do whatever is necessary to protect liberty, and freedom is not free.

64.  Despite his determination and ingenuity, Bruce was recaptured every time he broke free from Colditz Castle, near Leipzig.

65.  Despite his list of Russia's needs, Summers said the nation has come a long way toward a free market economy.

66.  Despite how free it is, public television doesn't get the viewers.

67.  Despite its reputation as an exclusive enclave of the rich and powerful, Stonington actually has one of the few harbors in Connecticut where the permits are free.

68.  Despite Maastricht's strictures, said Truglia of Moody's, "the bottom line is governments are free to do what they want."

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