1.  A board of directors of Salomon Brothers was born, consisting mainly of former traders.

2.  A British woman is waiting to hear how she can reclaim a family estate inside the former Soviet Union.

3.  A combination of factors contributed to the defeat of former Democratic Rep.

4.  A former book dealer, he remains seduced by the double bind of academic arcana and financial chicanery.

5.  A former captain of a winning Blues polo team, he still retains some of the rivalry with Oxford.

6.  A former Car of the Year winner, it has done well on the Continent but has been under-rated here.

7.  A former employee of the defendants swore an affidavit relating to his claim against the defendants for wrongful dismissal.

8.  A former grocer from Rector Street, at twenty he had gone bankrupt trying to run a cigar store on Pearl Street.

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