11.  A bank will also consider overall exposure to each country which will determine the need for loan portfolio diversification.

12.  A banner ad for NewsPage, a personalized Internet news service, appeared on part of the screen.

13.  A barred owl has not showed up in Central Park for Decades.

14.  A basic education Escuelita de Bluefields, a school for all ages, opened last summer.

15.  A beautiful biblical woman named Abigail is responsible for yet another version.

16.  A bell rang, and for a moment they could hear two voices arguing.

17.  A benevolent uncle paid for her to have music lessons.

18.  A better method is to measure the time taken for the full code to be read in.

19.  A better plan would be to launch from Earth on a trajectory optimized for transfer to Mars.

20.  A better solution is for automakers to develop air bags that inflate more slowly, lessening the risk of injury.

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