1.  A folio edition was an expensive item, but even cheaper quarto editions of most writers were not available readily.

2.  A grateful Di rewarded him with expensive presents - including a diamond-studded tie-pin and a gold and silver alarm clock.

3.  A lower dollar also makes their products more expensive and less competitive abroad.

4.  A major advantage of both MID-TEL and MID-CRED is that neither system requires customers to install expensive computer equipment.

5.  A more expensive model recites a different Koranic verse at each hour.

6.  A practice with more patients needing expensive medicines will be set a larger amount.

7.  A property tax is essentially unfair unless so many qualifications are built into it that it becomes complicated and expensive to administer.

8.  A satellite that can stabilize itself would be less expensive than those that depend on steering jets.

9.  A second important barrier is that factoring is widely perceived to be expensive.

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