1. Because few companies are set up for electronic money transfers, banks typically have to print out a paper check and mail it for you.
2. But law enforcement officials say that the increased globalization of electronic money transfer systems has made it easier than ever to move cash and avoid detection.
3. Converting automated teller machines to dispense cash credits as well as cash and outfitting retail establishments with terminals to accept the electronic money is hardly inexpensive.
4. Electronic money comes in many forms.
5. For banks, the electronic money trail is risky.
6. He said the central bankers continued their discussions of electronic money such as prepaid cards.
7. He said the advent of electronic money offers the threat of a perfect counterfeit.
8. Hewlett-Packard expects VeriFone to speed up widespread use of electronic money.
9. Instead of the stripe, however, smart cards have an embedded computer chip that can store electronic money and consumer information.
10. It is unclear how fast these electronic money systems will move into mainstream use.