1.  A basic economic assumption in a Market economy is the continual adjustment of supply and demand toward an equilibrium point.

2.  A better understanding of the implications and consequences of economic and political development policies is of immediate practical importance.

3.  A classification system for economic consequences issues in accounting regulation - John Blake.

4.  A considerable background literature exists on this topic but only recently has economic urgency again directed attention toward this method of conversion.

5.  A country abandons the possibility of pursuing its own economic and social policies.

6.  A court notice reported the economic loss of the two vehicles, but did not mention any military casualties.

7.  A culture defined by a government, a religion, or an economic system does not require geographical or racial isolation.

8.  A few years hence, the nation experiences a severe economic downturn.

9.  A fierce debate arose among those trying to respond to the unfavourable economic and social effects of occupation.

10.  A free economy does not mean the absence of any economic control.

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