1.  A considerable part of these funds was passed on as dinar loans to domestic enterprises.

2.  A falling yen should help a bit, though domestic industries such as construction, retailing and property will not benefit.

3.  A lot women and children live in terror of this kind of domestic situation.

4.  A more sinister development is the seepage of nitrate into aquifers which are used as sources of the domestic water supply.

5.  A patio door could be the weak link in your domestic security chain.

6.  A second method of promoting the interests of domestic producers is by permitting them to enter into collaborations of various kinds.

7.  A separate utility room nearby houses all the noisy domestic appliances.

8.  A significant feature is that for many of these companies their overseas activities are more important than their domestic ones.

9.  A similarly circular process has been under way in several areas of foreign and domestic policy.

10.  A special feature of the boat is the extensive galley which rivals most domestic kitchens.

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