1. Andy Pettitte deserved most of the applause Wednesday night for keeping Torre pleased and undefeated through his first two games as Yankee manager.
2. As for their recent play on the court, Finley would seem to deserve most of the credit.
3. But Brown himself deserves most of the credit.
4. But if you want to meet face to face with the person who deserves most of the blame, find a mirror.
5. But Sam deserves most of the credit.
6. But Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev deserves most of the credit for splintering the Soviet empire, Miami University historian Sheldon Anderson said.
7. But the Revolution deserved most of their good fortune.
8. Coach Frank Beamer deserves most if not all of the credit for this success story, which has been ongoing for several years.
9. For that, Graf probably deserves most of the blame.
10. Naturally, Boulez deserves most of the credit for his own success.