51.  As a boy, DiMaggio stopped speaking to a friend who had committed the cardinal sin of temporarily delaying Joe's plans for the day.

52.  As a boy, Williams walked to school each day, passing neighbors and shopkeepers who kept a watchful eye on the children.

53.  DePalma came at the end of the day after a 12-day break in testimony following plea bargains by five defendants, including club owner Steve Kaplan.

54.  Departing Friday and Saturday at 5 p.m., arriving at 11:30 p.m. the next day.

55.  Department of Veterans Affairs spokesman Steve Westerfeld said America's World War II veterans are currently dying at a rate of about 1,000 a day.

56.  Depending on the contract, Cohr technicians either work full time at the hospital, or are on call to them 24 hours a day.

57.  Depending on the day or her mood, the 1995 Texas Teacher of the Year may sing or tap-dance to make a point.

58.  Depending on the pond, bluegill and crappie are pretty much available all day.

59.  Depending on the time of day, visitors can watch Conley at work through big windows.

60.  Depending on the time of year, it might be days before you came down with a good, solid case of the flu.

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