51.  When Maha al-Qatani settles into the driver's seat of her family's baby blue humvee these days, she goes through a familiar routine: a glance in the rearview mirror to ensure that her headscarf and face veil are on right; a whispered prayer; and a reassuring pat of her Coach handbag, stuffed with all the essentials for a possible prison stay - toothbrush, deodorant, comfortable clothes and prayer rug.

52.  "If no one sacrifices, no one will get their rights, " al-Qatani said on the day of her maiden drive in Saudi Arabia.

53.  Despite repeated promises of change - most famously in 2005, when King Abdullah told Barbara Walters on ABC TV, "I believe the day will come when women drive. "

54.  First, I know that the shortcut to learn English well is to be persistent, so I insist spending an hour a day on English learning.

55.  Spend one hour practicing my listening every day on the Internet.

56.  But looking backward those missing days , I have not paid enough attention on the English study that I nearly failed in the exam .

57.  It is doomed when the day God created Eve by the rib of Adam.

58.  About 1 hour every other day can be arranged to read those papers and other literary works.

59.  I determine that memorize at least 20 new words every day to increase vocabulary.

60.  On one hand, recite two excellent essays one week; on the other hand, have a 30-minute personal talk about a certain topic every other day.

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