1.  A balanced diet and daily physical exercise are the keys to a healthy lifestyle.

2.  A certain amount of stress is unavoidable in daily life.

3.  A day or two later we were enlightened - Dagbladdet is the name of the daily paper.

4.  A glass of orange juice provides the recommended daily allowance of Vitamin C.

5.  A good way to enlarge your vocabulary is to read a daily newspaper.

6.  A griddle car service will be available on weekdays and Saturdays during the period of daily running.

7.  A harsh criticism, perhaps, since Laura was no longer running the factories on a daily basis.

8.  A Market is held daily in the town square.

9.  A New York art teacher who refused to take part in the daily flag ceremony was dismissed from her post.

10.  A social worker is usually involved because a person has ceased to be fully independent in some aspect of daily living.

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