71.  As Calhoun so eloquently put it: "D fny tgiz, dztem izget evn btr."

72.  DINING (Will move in 'd' category.)

73.  Davis says D&D creators have removed some of the arcane rules.

74.  DFG officials expect the southern D zones, which encompass all of Southern California, to produce a healthy harvest.

75.  District D is black, Democratic and strong Brown country.

76.  Disney has two more P&D projects in the loop.

77.  Did Hofmann in 1922 really bang the left-hand accompaniments of Chopin's D flat Nocturne so relentlessly?

78.  Did that word have an "r" or a "d" in that second syllable?

79.  Did the D train stop at the wrong place Thursday?

80.  DINING ("d" code) CHRISTMAS-GOOSE (Undated) _ What ever happened to the golden-skinned Christmas goose?

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