1.  Any regular customer, however, develops a certain flexibility.

2.  Dennis Fusco, chief economist for the Washington Employment Security Department, said inventory buildups occur with wholesalers and retailers in response to customer demand.

3.  Dennis L. Jones, a BART floor worker and member of the transit union, acknowledged that customers were angry.

4.  Denson's giddy customers talked about getting $20-an-hour jobs with Honda.

5.  Denver Tele-Communications Inc., the nation's largest cable television company, will offer a big boost in channel capacity to nearly all its customers by year-end.

6.  DeFillippo said it had never been company policy to mislead customers, but he acknowledged that safeguards against such abuses "were not adequate."

7.  Defined by his friendly, empathetic and accommodating nature, this customer makes decisions based on a gut level and responds to suggestions, assurances and guarantees.

8.  Cuba has become a good customer for such distributors.

9.  CUC's bread-and-butter is a series of databases that help almost 40 million customers buy products from cars to plane tickets to dinner, mainly over the telephone.

10.  CUC's entire business was built on getting customers to sign up for buyers' clubs.

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