1.  A bare handful of cable Markets offer community news services, produced at the lowest possible cost.

2.  A big advantage in starting the magazine on-line has been the cost, Moore said.

3.  A buyer for the long haul would not skate far past the optimal point and towards bankruptcy costs.

4.  A close study of the small print will reveal that many of these insurance policies do not cover the cost of repairing storm damage.

5.  A few feminists are achingly aware of both their personal desires to he thin and the social cost of those desires.

6.  A global perspective allows firms to spot opportunities and reduce supply costs.

7.  A good insurance policy will cover the cost of goods lost or damaged in transit.

8.  A group of individuals bid for the Games and agreed to pay all the costs.

9.  A Harvard University survey found that Americans significantly overestimate the cost of higher education.

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