1.  In contract to this, lists of test words contain less things.

2.  in contract this kind of love can make thier feel not lonely so that this can make their life easier in a city which may be far from their hometown .

3.  Language is the contract among some people, and language just includes words, rules of using words and some cultural tradition.

4.  On the contract, reading a word book or memorizing long lists of test words can easilly be tiring and some of us may hate this method.

5.  So how can we have a good contract with people?

6.  But as far as I am concerned, love and study should not be divided into two things which are totally contract with each other.

7.  When they need to sign or discuss a contract with clients face to face these two partners should not know each other!

8.  As a contract, girls are educated to learn how to talk with others.

9.  However, it does not means the study can advance significantly in that way, on the contract, much problem will take place if the study is limited in only one sphere.

10.  On the contract, women pay much attention to their appearance.

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