1.  A close third was his upholding of conservative values.

2.  A conservative coalition of Democrat and Republican congressmen developed which could delay further reforms, and sometimes block them altogether.

3.  A conservative columnist, George Will, provides a more vindictive answer.

4.  A conservative policy implies that the firm is less aggressive in minimizing current assets and employing short-term debt.

5.  A conventional conflict thesis can also conceal vital distinctions between different religious traditions and between liberal and conservative representatives of those traditions.

6.  Above all, it drove a wedge through the heart of the Conservative coalition.

7.  ACCORDING to acquaintances who move in the twilight world of Private Eye, the satirical magazine is hoping for a Conservative victory.

8.  Additionally, you could configure the product to be conservative or optimistic in its assessments.

9.  After an uneasy eighteen months he was in a stronger position than any Conservative leader since Lord Salisbury.

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