1.  And both contributors and the general public remain suspicious and divided about public financing of presidential and congressional elections.

2.  Another obstacle to congressional effectiveness is the communication gap between the executive and legislative branches.

3.  As the country braces for congressional and municipal elections in March, reconciliation takes on particular importance.

4.  Barry, who was not available for comment Thursday night, has never been a favorite of congressional Republicans.

5.  But congressional investigators said bank claims of confidentiality kept them from establishing precisely how much profit banks are reaping from the surcharges.

6.  But he and his Republican Congressional opponents have yet to Decide on a seven-year plan to balance the budget.

7.  But it was clear he would face mounting pressure to intervene from not only congressional leaders but travelers.

8.  But public doubts about congressional integrity generally, and of the political process as a whole, remain high.

9.  But the congressional intelligence committees are like a black box.

10.  But the many other problems that beset Florida on Election Day are far more deserving of a congressional investigation.

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