1.  In the longer term, the company sees the tags as a possible replacement for barcodes, with a multitude of applications.

2.  Mr Epperson says the company soon could see its sales grow as a result of a recently completed redesign of AutoZone stores.

3.  Several start-up Net companies saw their share prices rocket in the first few years, only to see them plunge as the recession hit.

4.  Yet another key factor was that some companies saw Hare as a way to grab headlines for themselves and their products.

5.  The company saw it as part of its social responsibility to provide education for its workers.

6.  The company has seen its profits fall precipitously over the past few years.

7.  Companies have seen the importance of investing in their workforces and of improving performance both through training and by deploying effective recruitment procedures.

8.  If he has to be in Bisbee, I think the company should see he gets there.

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