1.  DeKalb's bonding companies have problems.

2.  Depending on the Justice Department's view of the industry, the companies might have to sell some assets to gain approval, Verveer said.

3.  Dell Computer: The company may have the lowest costs in the industry, and it sells its machines for far more than the industry average.

4.  Despite Dell's optimism, his company has had to warn that it would miss its earnings expectations in five of the past six quarters.

5.  Currently, as a tax dodge, her company has $5,000 of its money hidden in her savings account, drawing interest for the company.

6.  Currently, cable companies have facilities that receive signals by satellite that then flow over their local networks.

7.  Currently, most foreign ventures exist through associations with the Government and foreign companies can have only less than 50 percent ownership.

8.  Currently, the company has 30 retail and off-price stores.

9.  Despite a warming trend in U.S.-Sino relations and despite Boeing's political support of Beijing, the company still has few sales to show for its efforts.

10.  Despite such hurdles, Card, the Jupiter analyst, said the new companies had some advantages.

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