71.  Initially, two assemblers who were good friends were chosen by the research team.

72.  Instead Smith Kline chose just twenty-five key distributors, with whom it maintained far closer contact than was usual practice.

73.  Instead, he chose to stick with the old ways and practise an unenviable form of reverse racism.

74.  Instead, his cheerleading coach said, he chose to spend his spring break on a cruise ship.

75.  Instead, the Bank chose to reaffirm its approach to life-threatening illness in general.

76.  Jane, the orphan girl, was chosen to go.

77.  Janir chose skiing, which like so many sports was laced with posturing and attitude and ostentatious display.

78.  Joe was chosen as captain by common consent.

79.  Kirov chose another snap which he had taken at a pavement cafe in Tbilisi, bringing his final selection to four.

80.  Like his father, Tommy chose a career in the Army.

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