61.  I chose Tufa which is cheap and easily obtainable and quite a good substitute for real coral rock.

62.  In Athens at that time, judges were chosen by lot.

63.  In the classroom, teachers could choose tricks to add entertainment to science lessons.

64.  In the early years of the republic, the congressional leaders of each party chose their presidential nominees in closed caucuses.

65.  In the end President Mitterrand chose his friend Pierre Berge, head of a fashion house, to sort out the mess.

66.  In the first place, since little research had taken place outside London, we chose to investigate a provincial city.

67.  In the first session the group chose the topic of hospitals in the future.

68.  In their conversations he chose to reverse their roles.

69.  In their day, presidential nominees were chosen by members of Congress meeting in caucus.

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