11.  Both masters and men moreover chose to depict women as wilful and capricious.

12.  Both outsiders chose establishment types for their vice presidential running mates.

13.  Brown was quickly chosen as the party leader.

14.  Carroll did not choose to keep a low profile but spoke up on many issues, often against the officially established religion.

15.  City officials chose not to join other law enforcement agencies seeking a renewal of the exemption.

16.  Could I in fact have chosen in a manner more worthy of my dignity as a rational agent?

17.  Crucified among thieves, he chose the way which reconciled the forces of light and darkness.

18.  Davies chose to concentrate on civil liberties, a natural field for revivalists who smarted under old, restrictive laws.

19.  Did he not choose to retreat when his old enemy Rennenkampf was advancing?

20.  Disillusioned with managing the national team, Andy Beattie chose the most inappropriate moment to tender his resignation.

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