1.  By Hugh Hebert COMEDY-thrillers could have a hard time without small black books that disappear containing the clue to mysterious fortunes.

2.  Can Eric and the thousands of teleworkers lining up behind him be-come career telecommuters?

3.  Cantor knew the depth of the trash can containing discarded hypotheses and discredited experiments in the cancer field.

4.  Droplets of water can ruin melted chocolate, as can overheating.

5.  Failing a loan, Cutler can finance growth by giving up his salary and reinvesting more earnings in the company.

6.  He could picture him hunched over his desk, busily writing ... for ever writing.

7.  So can losing a few pounds if you are overweight.

8.  Whichever substance you use, put it on in as concentrated a form as you can using a large paint brush.

9.  Some foods can stain the teeth, as of course can smoking.

10.  Only thus, in fact, can over-pressurizing of the young be avoided -- by developing their capacity to be able to think effectively for themselves.

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