1.  As the bed tips up and down, the body shifts as it can not in the iron lung.

2.  Employers can no longer place age restrictions on applicants.

3.  Furthermore, health authorities could no longer discharge patients without an individual care plan being approved and agreed with the local authority.

4.  He could never, if the truth were told, stand against his wife.

5.  No, of course not, how could you?

6.  They can no longer count on maintaining their dominance in the jeans Market.

7.  While larger mammals can often adapt, many lovely birds, butterflies, moths and other insects can not.

8.  I cannot for the life of me see this is a reasonable attitude on the part of the County Council.

9.  Mahmoud, incoherent with fury, could not for the moment say what it was.

10.  Almost certainly not, for few women could.

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