81.  During a country weekend, a marquis, an aviator, servants and other assorted lovers play by and violate the unwritten rules of romance.

82.  During classes that are part performace and part lecture, he is by turns passionate and entertaining.

83.  During his hourlong phone conversation on Wednesday, Rocancourt was serpentine and unfocused, touching on liturgy, love, lessons to live by and a life of crime.

84.  DIANA: Her True Story -- In her Own Words, by ..


86.  Dragonflies flitter by, and occasionally one of the boys nails one and gulps it down.

87.  During Limbaugh's tenure as spokesman, citrus sales declined by about 2.4 percent.

88.  During one first-half sequence, 11 consecutive Portland points were scored by whomever Davis was defending, 9 of them by Drexler.

89.  Diane Sawyer whizzed by on her way out, coolly bucking the tide of stars coming in after the ball.

90.  Dickerson, the board's executive officer, added: "What's on the permit is what they definitely have to live by.

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