71.  As directed sloppily by Nick Castle, this comedy barely lets its main characters develop, even though either of them could be great fun.

72.  Donofrio was not impressed by that either, recalling assurances made last year that passenger traffic in the Pacific was turning the corner.

73.  Despite concerns that it could be overvalued, Cisco Systems reassured Wall Street on Tuesday by ringing up another solid quarter.

74.  Dream was sung by by Anne Jeffreys in the film, and was a hit for Dick Haymes and Helen Forrest.

75.  DRINKING WHILE BIKING MAKES INJURY RISK SOAR Bicyclists who mix spokes with sauce increase their risk of a serious or fatal injury by up 2,000 percent.

76.  Drop icing by {-teaspoonfuls on cake and spread very carefully so as not to tear cake.

77.  Despite speculation that White would remain in another capacity within the athletic department, he will no longer by employed by USC, according to sources.

78.  DRUGSTORE.COM (Seattle) _ Shares of drugstore.com soar after a big investment by, among others, Melinda Gates, wife of the Microsoft chief.

79.  Dunlop said he called Paul Zoubek, by then Verniero's top deputy.

80.  Duke got five straight points from Brand to go up by seven, 48-41, with 12:34 left.

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