1.  Dennis Occhino, a Flushing native now living in Oyster Bay, N.Y., watched anxiously as the sweep bus for injured runners chugged by.

2.  Descriptive phrases like "inspired by" or "reminiscent of" tip the buyer to a trade show origin.

3.  Designed by and carrying the identity of big-name makeup artists like Bobbi Brown, these lines offered an alternative to me-too makeup buying.

4.  Designer Loy Arcenas has undermined theatrical artifice by removing all wings and curtains, leaving a bare wooden playing space in the center of the stage.

5.  Design is us and always has been: it is made by and for humans, and it mirrors human needs and capacities.

6.  Designed by Chris Mueller, it is so persuasive that the art ends up generating, piece by piece, an interactive logic of its own.

7.  Cut kernels off by standing a half ear up on a cutting board on its flat (cut) end and scraping off kernels with a knife.

8.  Despite that well-known requirement, investigators said documents supplied by Olympic showed that monitoring took place on only three days during the eight months of construction.

9.  Cyprus, close by and relatively cheap, has become a favorite destination.

10.  Despite these perilous conditions, Sutkowski said, he has been able, by and large, to stanch defections from his ensemble.

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