51.  "These activities are held by your department?

52.  So it's important to know one by his or her behaviors, not your own conjecture.

53.  Stereotyping is caused by prejudge.

54.  We judge a person by his/her appearance, words or behaviors, even the old image of his/her groups.

55.  Is our mind unavoidable to be cheated by our blindness?

56.  Our mind is easily followed by these labels.

57.  In addition, you may prefer to solve your problem coming up against in life by yourselves rather than ask her for help, since she is always impatient with you and your request is more like a mercy in her view.

58.  Teacher's sound rises, trying to break the silence, though it still soon be submerged by the silence.

59.  Some of them may regard things such as raising hands and answering questions actively in class as silly actions, while some other may be under great pressure of being look down on by doing those things, for these behaviors are now considered as pupil behaviors.

60.  Because I am always told by some adults what college life is like: students wander about the campus in clusters, talking and laughing.

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