61.  A commission was created to develop statewide standards for schools by next year.

62.  A committee hopes to establish a new drug policy by the end of the month.

63.  A company can make a bundle by selling unwanted property.

64.  A company owned and run by Mr and Mrs Bunch carried on the business of purchase and resale of bulk butter.

65.  A company which has a sole director is required by s.

66.  A complete excitation cycle consists of four steps, corresponding to excitation of each phase by each current polarity.

67.  A complete floor in a central telephone complex in Belfast was taken over by army technicians.

68.  A comprehensive range of manual records and files is maintained by the various personnel sections in the organisation.

69.  A comprehensive study done a few years ago focused on what particular quality was shared by winning race car drivers.

70.  A concatenation of events particularly damaging Mrs Thatcher was subsequently compounded by errors of tactics and organisation by those running her campaign.

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