91.  ARTLEY-OBIT (Overland Park, Kan.) _ A. Sterl Artley, the last living author of Dick and Jane books dies at 91.

92.  As Bezos said when he founded Amazon.com six years ago, books are ideal for Internet retailing.

93.  Despite the change in environment, Mobutu continued to study and read intensively _ newspapers received by the Belgian commanding officers and all manner of books.

94.  Dial Books, 1994, $16.99, hardcover (also available in paperback, Puffin Books, 1994, $6.99).

95.  Diet books touting "eat-all-the-meat-you-want" high-protein diets are top sellers.

96.  Different parents start with different books.

97.  Dav Pilkey, author of the wacky and best-selling "Captain Underpants" books, only does interviews by e-mail.

98.  Dick Dunn, a minister of singles at Roswell United Methodist Church, has authored six books on launching a successful singles ministry.

99.  Dilger recently designed bookcases _ around the artwork _ to house John's growing collection of photography books.

100.  David asked for books on financial markets other on birthdays and holidays as well.

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