1. So the Giants do have to get better, and history suggests rather strongly that better means not staying the same.
2. Whether Innocent could have achieved his ends earlier or by better means must in the final analysis be a matter of opinion.
3. Are there better means to judge where and when a river will crest?
4. Better shooting means fewer injured or maimed animals, he said.
5. A well-padded backpack is a much better means of conveyance.
6. But does better mean that more success is assured?
7. Conservative critics of affirmative action have long argued that vigorously enforced anti-discrimination laws are a better means of insuring what affirmative action programs try to do.
8. They provide a far better means of expressing our diverse opinions than rioting in the streets.
9. Whether this means an even bigger city, or just better means of regional cooperation, is unclear.