61.  As a dessert, it provides a light, refreshing finish that showcases summer's best produce.

62.  Delrina is best known for its premiere Windows fax program, WinFax Pro 4.0.

63.  Demand for spring fashions gave Limited Inc. and Gap Inc., the two biggest U.S. clothing chains, their best sales gains in two years.

64.  Demand for what we do best is going to rise next year," she aid.

65.  Descent is one of the best Doom wannabes.

66.  Describing her as his best friend, Antonakos recalled: "I rented the Tavern on the Green for her Communion.

67.  Describing relations with the United States as "the best we've ever had," he called on Washington "not to sour the whole thing."

68.  Description: Lists doctors rated as the best in their respective fields according to anonymous, ongoing surveys of about 30,000 physicians.

69.  Desert King and Honeyhart are the best known.

70.  DeShaun Foster, bigger and faster, is the best third-string tailback in the nation.

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