71.  As a child, she felt the sting of being the ugly duckling of a swan mother and losing her doting father to death at age 10.

72.  Dell Computer Corp. gained 2 1/8 to 71, after being rated a new "buy" at CS First Boston.

73.  Despite a few photographs of students being clobbered, the police were widely praised for doing a good job of containment.

74.  Despite a late burst of television advertising, Albanese can still step outside his campaign headquarters on Lexington Avenue and 41st Street without being recognized.

75.  Despite a lifelong horror of being photographed or interviewed, he became more accessible in his later years, though still deeply concerned with his privacy.

76.  Despite a price of $3 an issue, the Daily has the advantage of being the only daily publication to be sold at Olympic venues.

77.  Despite a record peppered with borderline infractions, he still dreams of being assigned to the White House.

78.  Despite advance publicity that he would discuss being held as a hostage in Afghanistan, he avoided any mention of the experience and refused to answer reporters' questions.

79.  Cuomo said HUD was being extra aggressive in monitoring how funds are spent to guard against waste and fraud.

80.  Curb Records is the primary sponsor, although Boat said additional funding is being sought in the Phoenix area, Boat's hometown and base for the team.

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