71.  Any talk of France's joining a broader European rightward lurch is premature before June's voting.

72.  Designed by Pete Dye, it has never before been played by outsiders.

73.  Culpepper snapped back and the two went at it for several minutes, jawing before a national television audience.

74.  Cult members arrived in April 1993, a little more than month before the mystery blast.

75.  Cultural fault lines are now wider and deeper than before.

76.  Cultural riches abound, survivors of those distant days before the 1967 riots and the 1973 oil shock.

77.  Department of Juvenile Justice workers interviewed Brazill and reviewed court documents before deciding last week not to take him from the state Department of Corrections.

78.  Department store sales in Tokyo rose 21.7 percent in March as consumers rushed to buy big-ticket items before the consumption tax increased, the Japan Department Store Association said.

79.  Depending on events in world markets overnight and in the futures markets that morning, stocks can open sharply higher or lower than they closed the night before.

80.  Depending on how the trial proceeds, it may be weeks before any senator can talk in the chamber.

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