21.  An incubator for software producers will be located at Briarcliffe College in Bethpage.

22.  Another reverse auction site worth watching is called NetgenShopper.Com and is located at www .netgenshopper.com.

23.  A future rail station will be located at the site.

24.  A major focus of the laboratory, electromagnetics and reliability, is already located at Hanscom.

25.  British Airways wants it to be located at Heathrow but is steering clear of saying so in public.

26.  But to serve up his own pages, the server must always be located at the same address, so people can find it.

27.  Can always be located at his e-mail address.

28.  Consider Hurxthal, whose shop is located at Robert E. White Instruments Inc., a company that once made compasses.

29.  Ghajar is located at that bend.

30.  His office is located at the intersection of Wilt Chamberlain Boulevard and Roy Williams Drive.

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