11.  Battery life was good on a machine with a notoriously power-hungry active-matrix display.

12.  Both are good on gas.

13.  A delightful first course, the dish would also be good on its own as a brunch or light lunch.

14.  A three is good on any hole.

15.  A thicker version is good on warm cornbread or pitas.

16.  A. Actually I think Amazon is pretty good on most of these dimensions.

17.  But anyone who saw Carman practice his craft would vouch that he was as good on the boards he strode as those peopled by Gielgud and Guinness.

18.  But he is especially good on this day.

19.  Defensively, Atlanta is very good on the line of scrimmage and has the pass rushers to give Drew Bledsoe a lot to think about.

20.  Elliott is particularly good on the insoluble split between economic and cultural conservatives.

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