81.  Lake Pleasant has been particularly good in early morning.

82.  Life is good in sunny Southern California with his wife, Linda, a psychologist.

83.  LL Cool J, however, is good in the low-key role as a responsible son.

84.  Maybe it would be good in a chili or stew?

85.  Most of us aspire to be as good in our jobs as Rice is in his.

86.  Nasturtiums, the flowers as well as the leaves, are good in salads.

87.  Noah Fleiss is good in the role of a neglected adolescent.

88.  Noah Fleiss is good in his role as the neglected, rebellious adolescent.

89.  No need to suggest that the Bears, with their freshman-laden defense and new coaching staff, should be pretty good in the years to come.

90.  Of course it was only good in theory.

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