21.  You were always better at everything.

22.  The British have more Nobel Prizewinners and are better at the breakthrough to something completely new.

23.  In some ways, he may be better off at Birmingham -- nearer to Richard, and to all his pals and usual haunts.

24.  I mean you, how am I going to suddenly be better at it.

25.  Dunno, something about the school he goes to is better at sports or something.

26.  Although less expensive to use, chromium dyes used on wool are better at holding color than vegetable dyes.

27.  Although the little guys may be good at discovering drugs, Merck is much better at turning promising molecules into something curative you can swallow.

28.  An affair gradually develops, which allows the film to falter a bit since Ms. Adams is better at swift rejoinders than shrill proclamations of emotion.

29.  And because patients like St. Hilaire are better at interpreting their aches and working with a therapist to get rid of them.

30.  And no one is better at describing the drama as it unfolds than Al Michaels.

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