51.  But Gingrich and friends are also angry at the FDA for pragmatic reasons.

52.  But I am angry at him.

53.  But Lake admitted the national polling on Perot indicates his Democratic-leaning supporters are angry at government and are not likely to turn out in this election.

54.  But Mrs. Taxman said through Klausner that she was angry at what she called her abandonment by the Justice Department.

55.  But more traditional Democrats were angry at the slight of not being consulted and at the shift in strategy.

56.  But some at ABC News are angry at CBS News for stealing their thunder.

57.  But the judges standing astride their vast patronage system are angry at this threat of change.

58.  But the negotiations delayed the search for a full day, and the cops and some Justice Department officials were angry at the way it was conducted.

59.  But some residents were so angry at Ms. Renda that the litany of terror she described on the show became, at the very least, a self-fulfilling prophecy.

60.  But Veto, who said she was angry at Specter at the time, applauded his willingness to face his critics and his consistent support of abortion rights.

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